I just want to share this again, from my previous blog way back in 2008..
… Yes, God answers prayers.. i just want to share an experience of great healing that only God can give! …
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God"
Philippians 4:6-7
Lately, it’s been very difficult for me and my husband, we’ve been going through a lot of things.. financially, emotionally, physically, relationship matters, work related issues. But the one thing that really made us worried was that when our baby was diagnosed with pneumonia.. we were more than worried! I burst into tears when the doctor told me this after i handed to him the result of Kodi’s x-ray.. how could a mother not cry out loud when you hear that your baby.. a 9 month old baby has a pneumonia!??!! I was shaking and was speechless for a few minutes.. when i arrived home, i immediately told my mom.. she sees that i was not just half worried, i was in panic! she told me to calm down, she understands! of course, she have been through this with us.. my mom, she’s a strong person and a woman of prayer.. and i admire her for being "one wonderful mom"… —-Then, when my husband called, i was hesitant to tell him everything because i know.. i know that he will be worried to death! but, we ended up the conversation with being positive and a prayer at hand. I went to my room, deeply prayed to God.. asked Him to heal Kodi and restore his health, asked Him for financial provisions, that we may find ways to buy medicine and pay for hospital bills. and my prayer ended with a thanksgiving.. thanking God for healing and an answered prayer. After a week of medication, from health supplement to antibiotics, and after sleepless nights and endless monitoring of Kodi’s condition… Kodi was totally healed!!! …then, he smiled, his smile was the best smile i’ve ever seen! Yes, this time it was tears of joy, unspeakable joy that we also see in Kodi’s smile! It was all because of a prayer.. a sincere prayer that me and my husband quietly prayed together.. God is ever merciful, loving and sustaining! Now, we our giving Him our thanksgiving of His grace and mercy and understanding heart.
"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it: I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security."
Jeremiah 33:6
Such a cute photo! :-)
It's always good to count your blessings.
every encouraging :-) thanks for sharing.
@Michelle thanks :)
@Tin thank you.. it's a good feeling to share encouraging thoughts and experience :)
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